Child custody can be a complex and emotional issue for parents who are separating or getting divorced. It's important to understand the different types of child custody so that you can make informed decisions about what's best for your family.

Physical Custody: Physical custody refers to where the child will live. In a joint physical custody arrangement, the child spends time living with both parents. In a sole physical custody arrangement, the child primarily lives with one parent and may have visitation with the other parent.
Legal Custody: Legal custody refers to the parent's right to make decisions about the child's upbringing, such as education, healthcare, and religion. In a joint legal custody arrangement, both parents have the right to make these decisions. In a sole legal custody arrangement, one parent has the right to make these decisions.
Bird's Nest Custody: In a bird's nest custody arrangement, the child remains in the family home while the parents take turns living there and providing care for the child.
Split Custody: In a split custody arrangement, each parent has physical custody of at least one child.
Third-Party Custody: In some cases, a non-parent may be awarded custody of a child. This can occur when the child's parents are unable to care for the child, such as in cases of abuse or neglect.
Conclusion: It's important to work with an experienced family law attorney to determine the best type of custody arrangement for your family. By understanding the different types of child custody, you can make informed decisions that will help protect your child's best interests.